Past Archives
(please refer to our social media pages for the most current event information, as updates to this page may be slow! feel free to contact us for specific details regarding upcoming events).
A Community Healing Walk
"Victoria, BC"
Rise and shine with SBS on the stolen traditional and ancestral territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations; The time has come for us to gather on their beautiful lands again. As we walk amongst the tall ancestors of the forest, we look to join the birds in song and embrace the healing that comes with spring
Sunday, May 15th at 10AM

Museum After Hours: Going Batty
RBCM, Downtown "Victoria, BC"
Join SBS’s very own Aiva Noringseth (@aiva.19) for this after-hours night at the museum, located on Lək̓ʷəŋən Territory, just in-land of Songhees Point. Bat and birding mastermind Aiva will be holding space with some folks from RBCM in this wander through the Natural History gallery.
Thursday, May 12th from 7 – 8:30 pm

Task Force JESḴEN (Golden Eagle)
"Vancouver, BC"
On the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish, səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh), S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō), Qayqayt, Stz'uminus, sxʷməθkʷəy̓əmaɁɬ təməxʷ (Musqueam) and Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group. Colonially known as "Vancouver."
February 27th, 2022 at 12PM

Regenerative Community Building
On unceded W̱SÁNEĆ territory, on the south island.
December 4th, 2021.

Migratory Sea-Birds & the Wetlands
On unceded Musqueam Territory
October 24th, 2021.

Island View Beach
On unceded W̱SÁNEĆ territory, on the south island.
12PM on August 24th, 2021.

RBCM@Outside: SBS edition
Virtual Event @ 12PM May 15th
We’re going virtual for this RBCM@Outside Takeover on Sunday, May 15th: An Intro to Urban Ecology.
We’ll be sharing a bit about what we know of the flora and fauna on the ancestral lands of the Lekwungen-speaking Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations, and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations, in this combo event.

A Celebration on W̱SÁNEĆ Territory
"Victoria, BC"
Task Force ȾEĆELLE¸ gathers on the traditional, ancestral and unsurrendered territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations. This walk is a space for collective healing and celebration - of the becoming of the sacred season.
Sunday, March 13th at 12PM

The Wonderful Wetlands

Salmon Hatchery Walk
On unceded Lekwungen Territory, on the south island. A salmon hatchery event, a nature walk, followed by a fire and food!
November 6th, 2021.

Observing Migratory Raptors
On Sci'ianew (Chenuh) First Nations Territory, the southern island.
October 3rd, 2021.

Lost Lagoon
Vancouver, BC
12PM at Stanley Park on August 8th, 2021.